From the shipyards of the Atlantic, to Saint-Nazaire, to the vine growers of Vendée, the choice of visits will be big on October 25th, 26th and 27th.

The principle is the same as for Heritage Days: from 25 to 27 October, individuals can enter the companies for free to discover the know-how in the framework of the third Regional Days of the company visit. The choice is wider each year, with 183 proposals (85 in 2016) from the Cordemais coal plant (Loire-Atlantique), to the Coudray-Macouard wind vane workshop (Maine-et-Loire). the mill of Ernée (Mayenne).

"Our heritage is also entrepreneurial," insists Franck Louvrier, elected regional leader in charge of tourism which promises visits "intelligent and likely to arouse vocations".

Saint-Nazaire in peak

The territory of Saint-Nazaire serves as a forerunner for corporate tourism and has already accumulated "more than 900,000 visitors in 30 years," says Patrice Builting, tourism assistant in Saint-Nazaire. "Businesses are a gold material to understand globalization," adds Pierre Sabouraud director of Saint-Nazaire agglomération tourisme.

The shipyards of the city will open their doors this time again and the Grand Seaport will for the first time to access the container terminal of Montoir and even the captaincy (on reservation).

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