Mothers of children with Down's syndrome succeeded in overcoming the obstacles they faced, after many of them were at risk of losing their jobs because of their insistence on their obligation to their children.

Emirates Today, in conjunction with the celebration of International Day of Down Syndrome on March 21 each year, reviews the stories of three mothers who have lived through this experience and have overcome their obstacles. The first of them was exposed to losing her job as a result of having to leave the workplace During the official working hours, to follow up on the treatment sessions that her child was subjected to at the Dubai Center for the Development of Child Development. This mother, who told her story to Emirates Today, is not only suffering from her child's disability. And an illness that does not know how to deal with it, but also because of pressure Ever suffered by the institution in which it operates, the Department of Labor refused to absorb Zervha and understand their need to go out during working hours to be with her child during treatment sessions.

According to the center's specialists, she was almost separated from her job because the administration refused to allow her to leave the work. The conditions for acceptance of the child at the center require that his family participate in his treatment and attend the sessions regularly so that he can benefit from them by repeating them with his family while at home .

It took the therapist about six months to explain the situation, and to hold dialogues with the management of the employer in which the mother worked. He also made presentations during the sessions about the disease and the importance of the role of the family. The administration was even convinced that the mother had to leave twice a week to attend the treatment sessions.

One of the obstacles that the mother faced during that period was the rejection of her child in the custody of the employer, who is supposed to accept him because she is the closest place to her at work. It is also the most suitable financial, as the monthly fees for nursery 500 dirhams per month, compared to 4000 dirhams per month fees for private nurseries (if accepted).

The competent team at the center went to the nursery and persuaded its officials to accept the child, prepare the staff, train him to deal with his condition, and evaluate any unclear disabilities that might be present in the nursery.

It is noteworthy that the center intervened to solve the problem of the mother and her child when he was eight months, but today is three years, and has become one of the privileged children in the center, because of its response and interaction with treatment. His mother also became more confident and emotionally calm after her success in balancing her job and mission as a mother.

A mother of a child who once entered the Dubai Development Center to attend the treatment sessions, until she and her child began to cry for hours without interruption. At the time, the girl was about 20 months old. The specialists explained that the crying of the mother was the result of crying the child continued, and the result of pain because of the lack of understanding of her family and her child, and lack of cooperation with them, stressing that crying mother and her child, whenever they came to the center, lasted for nearly a year.

They explained that the mother made a great effort to overcome her passion and bear the crying of her child, until finally she was able to respond to the specialists and understand the situation of the girl and to train and help her until the day she stopped crying. Training in various types of jobs, to become today one of the most important children who are responsive to treatment programs, and very fond of other children registered in the nursery.

They continued that the child's response to the treatment and its distinction led to a change in the culture of the family environment that she refused, until the family members were competing to accompany her, so that her father, who was completely away from her at the beginning, became more determined to attend the sessions, Horses.

The girl is now four and a half years old and has been ranked first in the classroom at the school's sports and horse riding classes.

The third mother was dominated by despair and fear of the fate awaiting her daughter, to the extent that she needed intensive sessions of the family support program, provided by the Dubai Center for the Development of Child Development.

The mother joined the family support group at the center and continued to build her culture to become more familiar with the disease and the role of the family and mother in the success of treatment plans. She became one of the most important psychologists who help mothers overcome their grief and disaffection with their children .

family comes first

The Dubai Child Development Development Center (DDCDC) is a unique model for early intervention in children with disabilities, and is the first of its kind in the Middle East in terms of the approved methodology and quality of services provided.

The center provides first-rate family-based assessment and intervention services, and is supervised by a team that combines several specialized areas in the development and rehabilitation of children (from birth to six years old) with disabilities or who are at a late stage of development.

The Center adopts AEPS, a system based on measurement, evaluation and programming, and provides global best practices and training to professionals to improve the level of service that benefits the children and the community around them.

- The response of the child to treatment and its differentiation, led to change

The culture of the family that she refused, until her people became

They compete to accompany them.