Between 10 and 15 per cent of young men suffer from gynecomastia, an excessive growth of the breasts that causes them to develop in a male person.

Just doing a quick search on the Internet can bring us back to a large number of books about the changes that happen to girls' bodies after puberty. In fact, these changes also affect boys, as they can sometimes generate some cases that need to be addressed.

"Men's erectile dysfunction can have serious consequences when it comes to the development and development of a child," said Nashu Mensis, a writer for the Spanish newspaper El Pais.

Dr Emilio Moreno, assistant director of plastic surgery at Cairon University Hospital in Madrid, said it was very important in the case of adolescents to control excess weight because excess fat promotes the accumulation of estrogen, the female hormone responsible for breast growth. For a man, there is nothing worse than to resemble the shape of a woman. Therefore, it will be necessary to overcome his shame and find a solution to this situation.

Hormonal dysfunction
The disorder affects men between 40 and 60 percent of men, according to the author, mainly because of hormonal imbalance between the hormone androgen and estrogen, or for genetic reasons, or because of the consumption of drugs such as omeprazole or finasteride, which are anti-estrogen drugs and protect against hair loss .

Breast surgery surgery in the United States has risen 36 percent since 2000. According to the latest statistics compiled by the World Plastic Surgery Association of 2017 in Spain, it is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgery on the Internet.

In the world, this is the second type of cosmetic surgery most sought after by men after eyelid surgery to remove the fatty sacs, and before rhinoplasty and liposuction, as well as the process of embellishment of the ears.

When dealing with adolescents, we must act with caution and not ignore this problem. In this regard, Moreno said that this group believes that the first thing others notice when looking at them is the size of their breasts, so their relationship will be affected by those around them if they believe that others see him as a boy with a girl.

The diagnosis of the condition must first be confirmed since the physical changes that occur in early adolescence, ie, from the age of 12 to 14, affect about 80% of the males who show a certain degree of gynecomastia. In most cases, this disorder disappears after two or three years of infection.

Surgical solution
Moreno said that a surgical solution should be considered if the disorder continues until growth is complete, as well as the creation of patients, especially at the psychological level. When a patient looks at himself in the mirror, he will feel insecure. As a result, this situation generates a shy and introverted person, which would affect his relationship with the other sex. Moreover, this group will feel insecure in itself even when looking for work.

Gynecomastia surgery is not common among all young people for several reasons, mainly related to the nature of the adolescent himself, who tends to introvert himself and escape from confronting this type of problem. In addition, the family often does not understand that her child needs a cosmetic surgery to improve his life. One of these reasons is the stereotypical image of the male society in which we live, and the man who suffers from these problems is less manly.

Pending the end of puberty, it is essential that the child is certain that this problem will be resolved.

According to the psychiatrist Sergio Garcia, once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is advisable to do individual psychotherapy and create spaces for the child to talk about those physical and personality changes that are a nuisance for him.

Garcia said that in this case many social factors often overlap, that is, those involving the formation of friendly relationships, where a person can be ridiculed.

In addition, family factors must be noted, as the family sometimes does not understand that this condition requires surgical intervention and therefore does not encourage or support its child. Therefore, these practices generate a child that is not socially integrated into a family that does not consider surgery to be the best option.

For Garcia, dialogue with the child is essential, allowing him to share his concerns in a simple way. Accordingly, the expert emphasizes that family therapy may be necessary, so that the family will be aware of a fact that must be addressed. The family must also play a crucial role in dealing with this situation, since in many cases the child keeps this secret and does not dare to take the appropriate decision.

All these physical malformations - including man-made disorders - generate inner suffering in the person.

Dr. Moreno says it is not just about the disorder she is experiencing, but how she lives. There are young men with large breasts who do not face any problems. They do not see any need for surgery. Some people, even if they are small, are very upset and want to do plastic surgery.