Sherif Helmy - Cairo

Women of all ages have many talents and abilities to launch their own projects, contributing to their financial autonomy, self-esteem, and community development.

Because women are inherently active, if they are properly employed, marketing experts will have broad points to choose the right project and then adopt low-cost self-marketing techniques.

Ahmed Nasr, head of marketing at a private company, explains that while the current time is a challenge to emerging projects because of the fierce competition in various fields, it also involves huge opportunities for entrepreneurs, provided they manage and market their projects. Is the first determinant of its success or not, as it must provide real value added to a segment of society.

Value added does not mean offering a brand new product or service, but can start where others have ended (networking sites)

Value Added

"Value added does not mean the introduction of a completely new product or service. It can be started where others have come to, using an already existing idea, developing it after the additions needed by customers, or offering the same product or service but with higher quality,

Nasr advised the importance of creativity and the addition of updates on the product from time to time through reading, viewing and experimentation, stressing that this will ensure that keep up with competition and satisfy the wishes of customers on an ongoing basis, and then expand the project and increase profits.

He cautioned against neglecting the feasibility studies that women can obtain from specialists, as they are the means of knowing the trends, requirements, ages and social and economic situation of consumers in order to establish a project that meets their needs.

As for the best areas of projects for women at the moment, he explained that they range from food and confectionery projects of all kinds, perfume formations, as well as HandMed products such as women's accessories, household items, furniture and others.

Marketing through social networking sites is the easiest and least expensive way (web sites)

Networking sites are the least expensive solution

E-marketing expert Alaa Abdel-Moneim said that marketing through social networking sites is the easiest and cheapest way, by creating pages on behalf of the product or service in both Facebook and Instagram.

He added that marketing the product or service in general and through social networking sites in particular depends on some basic elements such as, good appearance, quality, price, and finally after-sales services.

High quality photos with effects

As regards appearance, the e-marketing expert pointed out that the customer's mental image of the product should be excellent to the fullest extent, because this reflects professional workmanship.

He added that a small number of customers fall under the category of "emotional customers", who are attracted to the exterior in the first place, so women can use a professional camera or a mobile phone camera of good quality to take high-quality images of the product or service, taking care to pick Background and add some effects.

The e-marketing expert stressed that this would make the customer feel that a huge team of staff, photographers, technicians and administrators are behind these shots, increasing the likelihood of his attraction to the product and buy it.

Taking high-quality images of the product and adding some effects increases the likelihood of attracting and buying the product (websites)

Good reputation is a sustainable base

In terms of quality, Alaa Abdul Moneim said that it represents the absolute priority in the marketing process, and is the main reason for gaining good reputation and obtaining a sustainable base of customers who will not hesitate to repeat the purchase of the product after his experience, Increasing the number of customers on an ongoing basis.

He explained the importance of making sure that there are no negative effects of the product or service provided to customers, both physical as a kind of moisturizing skin irritant, or socially as a strange product that is offensive to society.

As for the price of the product, Abdel Moneim stressed the importance of balancing between offering prices that ensure an appropriate profit margin and suitable for the potential of the target segments, taking care to activate the offers from time to time, especially on occasions and holidays.

He pointed out the importance of clarifying the method of selling either "online" or from the workplace, highlighting the after-sales services, such as the possibility of retrieval or replacement and others.

E-marketing experts emphasize the need for good customer care and quick response to inquiries and complaints (websites)

Good customer treatment

On the marketing of content, Abdel Moneim explained that the sale should not only be aimed at sales, but should be directed to different groups and make it fun and perhaps exciting for all visitors to the site, as well as the possibility to include valuable and useful information about the product or service provided, They may turn into tomorrow's clients.

In the area of ​​confidence building, the expert stressed the importance of e-marketing customers through the rapid response to all inquiries and complaints, with the notice of appreciation and keen to know their impressions of the product submitted and request proposals for development, and finally compensation in the event of delayed arrival of the product or detect any defects.

In the event of selling and dealing face-to-face at exhibitions or Open Day, Alaa Abdul Moneim directed business leaders to appear stylish, clean and attractive, taking care of the warm smile, welcoming words and good listening to customers, Customer attention.