The employee of an AfD member of parliament is said to have commissioned an arson attack in Ukraine. This is the result of a joint research by the ARD political magazine "Kontraste" and the news portal Accused is Manuel O., who works for the member of parliament Markus Frohnmaier. O. called the allegations "fictitious".

On 4 February 2018, an arson attack on a Hungarian institution had been committed in the Ukrainian city of Uzhhorod. That's why three men are now in court in Poland. At the trial in Krakow, one of the accused, Michal P., said that O. had initiated the attack. The AfD politician had instigated him to the deed, picked the day and gave him specific instructions.

Defendant is said to have received 1500 euros for stroke

The accused stated that he had communicated with O. via the Messenger Telegram and sent him a video of the crime. All in all, he had received 1500 euros and money for a plane ticket from the AfD man.

A lawyer Os told the radio station "Radio Free Europe", his client knew nothing about this charge, but he was wrong. Bundestag member Frohnmaier commented on his colleague. He considered it plausible that the accused accused O. wrongly "to improve his own position". Therefore, he will not leave his employee until the prosecutor of Poland charges him.

This did not want to express itself to possible investigations. The speaker Mariusz Sadlo said to the ARD magazine "Contrasts": "If names of other suspects emerge, it is normal that another procedure is initiated."

Manuel O. has written in the past for the far-right "German Military Journal" and the "Young Freedom". Since September 2018 he has worked as a specialist advisor for the AFD member of parliament Markus Frohnmaier in the Bundestag.