The abandonment of the speed limit at 80km / h on secondary roads, an unpopular measure among "yellow vests", remains an option for the government, said Interior Minister Christophe Castaner in an interview Monday in La Dispatch .

"We committed to evaluate the result of the 80 km / h after two years," said the minister, and "if this measure was useless, then yes we can return to 90 km / h". "But if thanks to this measure, the mortality on the roads has decreased and if we have saved lives, what do we do? We give it up?", He wondered, while the question could arise under the big debate that President Emmanuel Macron will launch Tuesday.

READ ALSO - Road safety: has the passage to 80 km / h brought down the number of deaths?

The Minister castigates "those who destroy the radars". "The 80 km / h have only one goal: to save lives, and I think we can all get together around this simple issue," said the minister. He blasted "those who destroy the radars, the night", which "carry a very heavy responsibility".

The minister paid a visit to Aude on Monday to pay tribute to officials mobilized during the terrorist attacks in Trèbes and Carcassonne, which killed four people in March, and the deadly floods that hit the department in October.