“The sentence ultimately depends on the judge ... There are certain crimes that are punishable by deportation ... She (Maria. - RT ) pleads guilty to one of the points that implies deportation, we worked on immigration and customs regulation to speed up this a process so that she does not have to go through a separate deportation process or a long deportation procedure after the verdict is passed, ”the lawyer said on RT.

According to him, Maria expressed a desire to return to Russia, and this has become the main goal since the beginning of the process.

“This is not a problem for us ... We are working with the authorities so that the sentence will be passed as soon as possible,” Driscoll said.

He did not rule out that the investigation might have other questions to Butina, but in the end, much depends on the judge.

Earlier, the lawyer spoke about the state of the Russians after transferring from a solitary cell to the general prison regime in an American prison.

Father Butina Valery did not rule out that his daughter could be released in March.