An Irish cook in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, has presented innovative sandwiches designed to celebrate the two-day summit between US President Donald Trump and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un. During the event, two new Burger types, dubbed "Donald and Kim Jong", were introduced to customers at the Birdy Restaurant, starting on Monday. The Vietnamese capital hosted the two leaders and hopes to be a platform for peace.

The restaurant's partner and chef, Colin Kelly, says the Pyrenees are designed to resemble the two leaders. Donald's courses, like Trump himself (very luxuriant), are made up of two double pieces of beef and ham, topped with thin pieces of chicken meat.

"In line with some of the controversy surrounding him - Trump - we put Berger on a Russian salad," Kelly said to the media. "But I think the customer saw the fun part of this sandwich." "Burger Kim Jong-yem is made from smoked pork, wild boar, kimchi mayonnaise, and kimchi, fried and crispy."

Hanoi-based Truong Trang says Kim Burger looks as obscure as North Korea, preferring to take more burger to learn more about North Korea. "This burger makes me curious about its components, and I want to eat more, to know more about North Korea." Kelly says he was surprised by Berger's concern, but was visited by two North Korean journalists who wanted "his opinion of the burger and the summit."

At the dinner, the two leaders addressed, among other things, lobster, Wagyu beef and lotus seeds. The two leaders sat down at 7 pm local time on Wednesday after a 20-minute solo meeting at the Metropole Hotel in Hanoi.

On the one hand, Kim is fond of eating food. The chef, who served his 13-year-old father, Kengel Fujimoto, said in his memoirs that young Kim likes sushi from an early age. While sushi is not characterized by high calorie calories, Kim may eat other foods, which have led to this weight gain.

Sources close to Kim have real concerns about his health, especially after the accident in 2012, when dorsal appeared in his ankle because of excess weight. Sources close to Kim confirm that he imports pork from Denmark, caviar from Iran, watermelon from China, beef from Japan, etc. This controversial president does not hold himself when it comes to eating. No one knows exactly how much is spent on bringing the best food to the country, but the sources estimate that the figure is in the millions.

On the other hand, Trump proudly talks about his passion for fast food, especially McDonald's, KFC and Wendy, because he believes these foods are safe and safe from any contaminants. Trump also has a strange calorie and carbohydrate. He is known to eat cheese and other ingredients from the pizza and leave the dough, and drink plenty of cola diet. A letter from his doctor shows that Trump is on the verge of gaining weight and obesity, but his doctor says, "He will be healthier than an elected president than ever."

Kim imports pork from Denmark, caviar

From Iran, melons from China, and beef from Japan.

He does not control himself when it comes to eating.