TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps on Thursday carried out drone maneuvers, describing it as the "largest" in the Gulf region, Iran said on Thursday.

According to Fars News Agency, the maneuvers were called "to Jerusalem 1" and included, for the first time, the use of 50 attack aircraft of the modified RK-170 Iranian, as well as other combat aircraft.

"These exercises are the largest of its kind, in terms of the simultaneous participation of aircraft in a combat offensive, and the extent of exceeding a thousand kilometers to hit the default targets."

"These maneuvers are the most powerful maneuvers of the ground forces," Fars quoted Revolutionary Guards chief Major General Ghulam Ali Rashid as saying.

In 2011, the Iranian army announced the landing of an American RK-170 after crossing the Iranian border. Two years later, Iran announced that its experts had made a similar aircraft in terms of design with the US RK-170.