This is how these women define themselves. Meeting Locminé Thursday, she intends today to change the vision of a profession that hopes to combine the feminine as the masculine.

Whether they are 25 or 60, they are finally talking about them. Not too soon and not too late for these 200 morbihannaise women farmers who make themselves heard in this vast world of agriculture which has not, so far, given them a voice. Meeting this Thursday at Locminé for their congress which is played once every 10 years (!), They debated. Exchanged on the issues of tomorrow's agriculture that will know - or not - to combine the feminine as the masculine.

Become known

These women farmers now have the firm intention of making themselves known. With their farming peers but also with the general public. "They must express themselves, better communicate their professions, their ability to produce, in complementarity with men.It is fundamental, essential, vital," said Nabila Gain, facilitator of the regional group Women Producers.