For their third Saturday in the street, the Yellow Vests have invested various points of the department. Back in pictures on their day, Angers and Cholet.

Some 500 to 600 yellow vests broke the pavement, all day Saturday, in Angers. In the rain, they made the tour of the Angevin hyper-center, blocking in short sequences some neuralgic arteries, such as the boulevard Foch, the lanes on the banks, or the Place du Ralliement. Repulsed by the police at the station, they then headed for the Mall Garden, where the arrival of Santa Claus took place, as part of Winter Suns. The opportunity for them to discuss with Christophe Béchu, Mayor of Angers.

Fifty to Cholet

On the side of Cholet, the delegation was smaller, about fifty demonstrators. It was deployed mainly in the morning, during a march snail part of the town hall to travel around the city center. The yellow vests then exchanged with MP Denis Masseglia. In the afternoon, they returned to the tollbooth of Cholet North to continue to ensure the free passage of vehicles.