Sources in the province of Mahra east of Yemen to the island that the Saudi forces and its forces have developed a new military point in the Directorate of "shipment" in the province, in anticipation of protests against it.

The move came after the residents of the Shipping Directorate demanded the organizing committee of the sit-in in the province, to hold the next sit-in protest in the Directorate in protest against what the Saudi forces are doing violations and interference in port affairs and customs and harassing traders and confiscating their goods without any right.

The sources added that the development of Saudi forces to the new military point was carried out without coordination with the dignitaries and dignitaries of the region or with official bodies.

Protests and demands
In the meantime, organized the women of the province of Mahrah and a protest in the city of Al-Ghaida, demanding the departure of Saudi forces from the province.

The protesters demanded Yemeni President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to sack Governor Rajih Bakrit, and his accountability in the killing of protesters last month.

Protesters confirmed the continuation of peaceful sit-ins against the Saudi presence. And raised slogans in the stand expressing the strong rejection of the presence of militias from outside the province.

Since the end of last year and the beginning of 2018 Saudi Arabia has paid troops and military reinforcements to skilled under the banner of fighting smuggling.

The war between the government and the Houthis did not reach the skilled, and the province remained loyal to legitimacy, amid security stability.

It is considered the second largest Yemeni province in terms of area after Hadramout. It has two border ports with Oman, Sarfeet and Shakhit, the longest coastline in Yemen estimated at 560 km and the sea port of Nakhtoun.