A delegation of yellow vests was received by the sub-prefect of the district Fougères-Vitré this Thursday. They call for a general meeting at 19h Place Aristide-Briand Friday to determine the sequence of actions, "but it will not be blocking or filtering."

After ceasing the filtering operations, the Yellow Vests fougerais want to continue their actions, but "in a peaceful and civic way" . A delegation of four yellow vests was received by the sub-prefect of the borough this Thursday. The meeting lasted almost three hours and covered five themes: taxes, education, pensions and salaries, transport and ecology.

General Assembly Friday

"These are social issues ," says one coordinator . We interviewed people in the streets of Fougeres to get their feeling. They talked about the problem of transport on Fougères and its periphery, the fact that the schedules are not adapted, the return of the train, etc. "

Yellow woolen vests are now defined as a "peaceful and civic movement. There will be no more blocking or filtering. Or, it will not be our fault. "

A general meeting open to all yellow vests is scheduled this Friday at 19h Place Aristide Briand, to determine the next actions.