Some companies are developing a large infrastructure to support fifth-generation communications technology, so smartphones have begun to install modems for this technology recently.

According to previous reports, the company will not release an iPhone phone that supports 5G by 2020. But a more recent report from Apple's Apple supplier in Taiwan sees Apple's fifth-generation phone not being released before 2021.

Apple and Samsung and Qualcomm have continued to provide them with fifth-generation modems, and the two companies refused to provide the US company with them.

Qualcomm's rejection of Apple's offer follows a row over iPhone chips that has come to court, leaving Qualcomm refusing to work on any Apple project.

Samsung has sold some of its components in the past to Apple, but Samsung's supply of a fifth generation modem is not enough. So the company can not meet the demand of rival Apple.

Of course there are other sources for Apple such as Intel, MediaTek and Huawei, however, does not look good chances, Apple has rejected the Intel 5G chips. One analyst predicted that it would reject media chips, because they do not meet Apple's standards. On the other hand, Huawei is unlikely to sell its equipment to competitors, especially with US pressure on them.

Apple's iPhone 5g is likely to come in 2021, technically lagging behind the other competitors' phones.