"It is not a matter of purely suppressing such and such thing to make symbols," said the head of state at a press conference closing the sequence of the "great national debate" on Thursday.

"Changes are to be made" in the administration: Emmanuel Macron made the diagnosis, during his press conference closing the sequence of the "great national debate" on Thursday. "It is not a matter of purely suppressing such and such thing to make symbols," said the head of state, not speaking on the National School of Administration (ENA) but promising " a deep reorganization "for the month of May.

>>> LIVE - Follow Emmanuel Macron's press conference

"They are no longer meritocratic channels". "Changes are to be made, in terms of recruitment first," continued Emmanuel Macron. "Does our senior civil service look like the society we are in? No," said the head of state. "These are no longer meritocratic channels."

>>> ESSENTIAL - The announcements of Emmanuel Macron during his press conference

"A place where we can find a solution to the problems". Edouard Philippe will present in May "a deep reform of the administration" intended to deploy "more officials in the field" while eliminating positions "in central administration", said Emmanuel Macron. Deploring that there is "not enough people on the ground" to "bring solutions", the head of state has already announced the creation in "every canton", from here to " the end of the quinquennium ", a" place where we can find a solution to the problems ", called" France services ".