“Relations are stable, but far from ideal. They are much worse than they were a few years ago, there is not a degree of trust that has been around for decades, including even during the Cold War. There are many questions that suffer because of this, ”the diplomat quoted RIA Novosti.

According to him, as a result of the deterioration of relations in recent years, major joint projects are not being implemented, the interest of Russian business operators in working on the Norwegian market is being lost.

However, the ambassador notes that the Norwegian business responds to this situation more calmly than the entrepreneurs of some other countries, such as Germany.

“We are ready to develop, re-establish relations, let's see how the Norwegian colleagues will react to this,” he stressed.

The ambassador added that in an environment where relations between states are becoming more complex, good contacts remain at the regional level, and it is important that this cooperation continues.

Earlier in Norway stated that cooperation with Russia in the management of fish resources in the Barents Sea can be considered an example of successful interaction.