This was stated in the press service of the fire service in Paris.

"Two policemen and one fireman were slightly injured," - said in a message on Twitter.

2/2 Après plus de 9h combats acharnés, prés de 400 pompiers de Paris sont venus à bout de l'effroyable l'incendie. 2 policiers et un sapeur-pompier ont été légèrement blessés.

- Pompiers de Paris (@PompiersParis) April 16, 2019

Earlier, French Culture Minister Frank Riester said that the main structure of the cathedral was saved, but the situation remains extremely unstable.

The fire in the cathedral of Notre Dame began on the evening of April 15, it was managed to put out in the early morning hours of April 16.

According to the French authorities, two-thirds of the roof of the cathedral were destroyed by fire.