Drivers have called for tightened driving and the penalty of driving a vehicle on the road at a slow pace. They confirmed that it is one of the causes of congestion and obstruction of traffic and traffic, especially on the external roads, pointing out that they spotted vehicles traveling at less than 100 kilometers per hour in the left lane, Road to 140 kilometers per hour, which is dangerous to their lives.

They called for the reprogramming of traffic control devices and road radars so that they could visualize vehicles moving at less than the minimum limit of the road, similar to controlling vehicles traveling at a speed greater than the maximum limit. This emphasis enhances safe driving on the roads, Drivers.

Citizens and residents told Emirates Al-Youm that the lack of commitment of some drivers to the minimum speed limit is a phenomenon that is widespread in many of the country's roads and is very dangerous, no less dangerous than driving at high speed and causing many accidents.

Jamal Al Ameri, Executive Director of the Society for the Prevention of Traffic Accidents, said that driving a vehicle with a minimum speed limit is a traffic violation of 400 dirhams due to the danger of causing accidents and obstructing traffic. .

Haza Abdullah said that he faced many negative driving behaviors on the road, including the driving of people with vehicles at a slow pace, which hindered the movement of traffic in front of him and other vehicles coming from behind, and called for tightening the traffic control measures against the perpetrators of these violations.

He explained that there are drivers who are not sufficiently aware of the seriousness of such practices, especially when driving their vehicles in the left lane at a slow pace, and refuse to leave and make way for others.

He said that there is a lack of traffic awareness among some drivers about the danger of slow driving on the roads. He stressed that they pose a serious danger such as rapid driving, both of which may be the cause of many accidents that result in injuries and deaths.

Khalid Ammar said that driving the vehicle at a slow pace poses a danger to the lives of drivers, as other drivers are driven to frequent overruns, which could cause accidents, considering that these practices are more dangerous to the external roads, when there is a vehicle traveling at less than 100 kilometers per hour, while the speed of the road reaches 140 kilometers per hour.

Gamal Al Ameri, the executive director of the Association for the Prevention of Traffic Accidents, warned of the dangers of slow driving at less than minimum. He said it could cause traffic accidents and cause confusion and surprise for drivers, especially on the roads.

He said that the Traffic and Traffic Law dealt with traffic violations by drivers driving less than the speed of the road or less than the minimum speed limit of the road, considering them to be in violation of the law, amounting to 400 dirhams, which confirms the gravity of the road users.

Amiri said that the large variation in speed between vehicles on one road, resulting in the obstruction of the flow and flow of traffic, leading to traffic congestion, as well as the occurrence of collisions from the back, between a vehicle traveling at high speed, and others traveling at a slow pace.

Al Ameri called for drivers to drive safely at a minimum speed of at least minimum speed, and to adhere to the right path of the road when driving slowly when necessary. The four warning signs are used when a traffic problem occurs, , Alerted to the warm left of the road, are assigned to override.

Safety standards

In its awareness campaigns, the Ministry of Interior confirmed the importance of drivers' compliance with safety guidelines and standards and safe road driving. The fines for driving a vehicle have been doubled to less than the minimum speed limit, if any, from 200 to 400 dirhams, .