A cabin made of pallets and built by "yellow vests" in Ajaccio was burned in the night of Wednesday to Thursday, and the track of a voluntary fire is privileged.

An investigation was opened by the parquet of Ajaccio after the fire that destroyed the hut of a group of "yellow vests" in the night from Wednesday to Thursday at the exit of the city. This cabin made of pallets had been built at the beginning of the year by the handful of "yellow vests" that account the movement in Ajaccio.

The trail of a privileged volunteer fire

The trail of a voluntary fire is for the moment retained. "But we have no specific information on the author of the facts," insisted Eric Bouillard, the public prosecutor of Ajaccio. "It may be a person who is unhappy with the presence of this cabin, as it may be related to the known dissension within the yellow vests movement," he said.