Agnès Gindt-Ducros, director of the National Observatory for the Protection of Children, recalls on Europe 1 that children beaten by their parents are often not identified by social services.


A child would be killed by his parents every 5 days in France, according to a report submitted to the government Thursday. "The first victims of infanticide, so deaths by domestic violence, are very young children, half of them are less than a year," said Friday on Europe 1 Agnès Gindt-Ducros, director of the Observatory National Child Protection Service (ONPE), which calls into question for these cases the shaken baby syndrome.

Parents who reproduce violence

These children are killed by their parents most often by their father, their mother or someone very close to the family, the report says. "The first authors are the biological parents.In general, they act in isolation: it is rarely done by both parents at the same time," said Agnès Gindt-Ducros, at the microphone of Matthieu Belliard.

It also recalls that violent parents have often been beaten children, who reproduce the violence they themselves have suffered: "Violence calls for violence, most of the time violent parents are parents who have been subjected to violence. even violence and who are in great difficulty, especially isolation. " According to Agnès Gindt-Ducros, violence against children can also occur in a context of domestic violence.

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The director of ONPE said that children killed by their parents in France are often not identified by social services: "Many situations are indicative of violence, they are often children who are not known or social services, neither child protection services nor justice. " And yet, according to Agnès Gindt-Ducros, "there were worries expressed by those around them"

Know how to spot signals

The report, drawn up by the General Inspectorates of Social Affairs (Igas), Justice (IGJ) and Education (IGAENR), also shows that the violence inflicted on these children is increasing. "Violence deaths do not happen all at once, in a unique way." The violence existed long before and began with "small violence", which has grown, accumulated, and can therefore lead to drama. , raises Agnès Gindt-Ducros.

She calls the institutions "to work together" to identify "signals" that would reveal a child abused by his family, such as truancy, or "traces, bruises, scratches that do not seem normal" . "If we can not gather all these beams, we can miss the gravity," she warns.

119: allo childhood in danger. The number 119 is a toll free number, dedicated to "childhood in danger", which allows everyone to report a case of child abused. Free, it is open every day, 24 hours a day. "There may be a little waiting time but the people who call will always find a listening ear and will advise them well," said Agnès Gindt-Ducros.