During his press conference Thursday night, Emmanuel Macron announced his desire to "build rights" for family carers. "This awareness is very auspicious," says the president of the French association of carers on Europe 1.


Emmanuel Macron's sentence about family caregivers on Thursday night made some people feel good. "We must recognize them, name them, but also in our public policies to build them a place during the pension reform and build rights for them," said the head of state at its press conference.

"This awareness at the highest summit of the state is very auspicious," says Florence Leduc, president of the French association of caregivers, the microphone of Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1. "There was absolutely needed 'a recognition, in every sense of the term and of a passage from this question, which was referred to as a societal issue, to a real political subject' whereas' 8.3 million people are now close caregivers. "

Agnès Buzyn, the Minister of Health, echoed the words of the President of the Republic Friday morning on RMC and BFMTV. She explained that as of 2020, the government will take measures in favor of "caregivers" who support an elderly, ill or handicapped loved one in the form of paid leave and / or "contributory rights to retirement".

>> From 17h to 20h, it's the big evening newspaper with Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1. Find the replay here

"We will probably go from fact to facts"

Florence Leduc reminds that today, "half of the caregivers are in professional activity" and "are tempted" to give up "this professional life to devote themselves to the other, to this person who surrounds them". Therefore, there are "major economic problems": "How do you live without pay?" "In addition, a person who stops working to devote himself to the other, does just that, it follows health problems, even isolation or sidelining," said Florence Leduc.

So she is satisfied with "this awareness" that "makes us say that we will finally be able to move on it": "All that goes in the direction of improving life, also allow the person who is helped to see a caregiver who is not exhausted all the time, has no financial problems, is going in the right direction, and will probably go from fact to facts. "