Shady Abdel Hafez

One of the most important questions in cell science is how cells recognize directions, and how do they distinguish the front from the back and the top from the bottom? How can the cell recognize the difference between home and abroad? How can they position themselves geometrically in the space around them?

This is very useful for researchers' understanding of body growth from an egg that has been vaccinated to the full body. Scientists are not yet able to understand how cells move to make a "hand" there and "feet" here and a heart in the chest area.

Understanding cell positioning and self-orientation also helps to study how the body handles wounds, where cells move to the cutting area, for example, and block them.

But one of the most important functions of our understanding of this area is to know how cells lose that ability to determine their orientation, and therefore grow without a plan, and this situation we all know as "cancer."

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Mathematics for Cancer!
In a new study just published a few days ago from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, a research team was able to build a mathematical model that could predict two of the mechanisms that the cells themselves direct during building complex structures similar to those generated during the body building of new members.

The researchers found that by making minor changes to these two mechanisms in the proposed model, different forms of cells were obtained, opening the door to the possibility of testing the correctness of this model in laboratory experiments in which researchers synthesize small members and predict the future structure resulting from cell growth.

From that point on, the research team set out to examine medical theories that attempt to explain how groups of cells evolve together in the form of such structures, and have been able to identify a few sets of theories that conform to this model and can be tested.

But the most striking result of this new study is that the construction of complex organs - the brain or lung - with the many folds in its sides does not require a general plan to be carried out, but through examining the conditions surrounding the individual cell, Cells in the initial sample; predicting the shapes of those structures.

Although these new research domains are still emerging, their findings point to a promising future in the relationship between physics, mathematics and cancer

"Methodology" in the service of science
When a group of separate domains - mathematics and biology - intersect to solve a problem, the results are always interesting, and this is not the first time that specialists from non-medical worlds have tried to solve medical problems. There is a complete "cross-systematic entity" "Is trying to examine complex biological problems with theories of the worlds of physics and mathematics.

For example, researchers from the Lemerre Materi Institute of Physics several weeks ago, in collaboration with the Leon Cancer Foundation at the University of Claude Bernard, have examined the mechanical mechanisms in which cells of certain cancers grow, regardless of their biological mechanisms.

The researchers hypothesized that one of the factors influencing the response of cancer cells to treatment is the mechanics in which cells move to each other while the drug is present.

In this new study, researchers used lasers to try to capture images of a cancerous cell of less than one millimeter. This clearly enabled them to understand the mechanics of these cancer cells, how they interacted with one another and develop their hardness during treatment, Better understanding of the mechanism by which cancer can be treated.