Assigned to appear in court, this Thursday, December 6, 2018, by the union of artisanal bakers of Calvados for an opening 7 days on 7, the bakery La Boulaga, in Troarn (Calvados), puts forward job losses if it closes a day. The court will render its decision on January 10, 2019.

Isabelle and Xavier Perret, the managers of La Boulaga bakery, in Troarn (Calvados), appeared before the Civil Division of the District Court of Caen, this Thursday, December 6, 2018. The Groupement artisanal pastry bakers of Calvados, alerted by other artisan bakers, accusing them of opening 7 days out of 7. She considers that this constitutes an unfair competition with the other bakers who do not have the means in employees to open every day.

The union's lawyer puts forward the order made by the prefect of Calvados, December 20, 1996, prohibiting the bakers and industrialists selling bread every day. "And this to ensure weekly rest and preserve equality between professionals. However, the La Boulaga bakery does not respect it, and despite the letters and formal notice, opens 7 days a week. "

The baker's lawyer argues that this decree is "obsolete and a joke as it is hijacked by everyone. Other bakers bypass it by installing an accessible bread dispenser on the closing day of their shop. It also recalls that the bakery La Boulaga employs ten employees, and that if it closes a day, it would result in 15% less turnover and the elimination of two positions. "This would come to favor the Super-U, the only remaining trade in Troarn with the bakery La Boulaga".

The court will render its decision on January 10, 2019.