Brigitte is happy: married, this sexagenarian has a lover for eight and a half years. But she did not make this choice of life without informing her husband, who is current and valid this extramarital relationship. "We do not divorce, it does not change the situation," she promised at the beginning of this adventure, as she explained to Olivier Delacroix on Europe 1, Monday.

"In life and in a couple, we do not always evolve at the same level.After the fifties, very often in a couple, the desires are not the same.Some men or women no longer want sex, while that the other still has needs.

>> From 15h to 16h, share your life experiences with Olivier Delacroix on Europe 1. Find the replay of the show here

At 20, we say: 'You are cheating on me, I'm leaving you.' At 30, with children, home and dog, we think. At 40, children are teenagers, we think a little more about ourselves. At age 50, circumstances mean that if life is not unbearable and there is no reason to divorce, why not make arrangements in the couple?

At that time, my husband was no longer attractive to sex. We discussed it and I said to him: 'I respect your choice but listen, I have other needs that I want to fill. We do not divorce, it does not change the situation. ' We had no more children in our feet, nothing at all. So I have a lover for eight and a half years.

Brigitte decided to tell her husband and children about her choice to have a regular lover.

Mr. is married, I am married, we see ourselves according to our possibilities. There was never a question of either of them getting divorced. It has been said: 'Let life be made, if one day life does [they divorce], well, it will happen or it will never happen, that's it!'

In deception, what hurts most is not being deceived, it's a lie. It's a lot more serious, because it puts back all the life we ​​had before. Did he lie to me for that or that? While if we warned the person before, she is not taking classes! "

Find other testimonials from Olivier Delacroix's show:

H., 30, former addict to pornography: "It was a way to escape my problems"

Matthew, 39, in a common-law relationship for nine years: "Freedom within the couple is not fulfilling"

Dominique, 56, about her husband's legacy: "Her family tried to intimidate me"