How often do you bathe weekly? Is your answer healthy or are you bathing more or less?

The number of showers varies from country to country. For example, the Spanish bathe 6.8 times a week, lower than in other European countries such as France or Germany.

In general, daily showering has tremendous positive effects on health, both physically and mentally, as it is not only a daily routine of body hygiene but also helps to combat anxiety, stress and depression.

According to Dolly Pollock, a dermatologist at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, a person needs to shower once a day or once in two days.

The number of showers varies from person to person depending on where they live and their habits, whether healthy or unhealthy, according to a report by Enrique Zamorano in the Spanish newspaper The Confederation.

Daily bathing is usually more than mandatory for people who go to the gym daily or exercise outdoors. This is due not only to the physiologist's physiological needs, but to the sweat smell that comes out of him after the sport

Daily bathing is usually more than mandatory for people who go to the gym daily or exercise outdoors. This is due not only to the athlete's physiological needs, but also to the sweat smell that comes out of him after the exercise.

"We wash for the elimination of sweat, bacteria and dirt," said Heidi Waldorf, a skin doctor and member of the Women's Dermatology Society.

It is important to note that the lack of attention to this issue and leaving these components on the skin can be infected with bacterial and fungal infections, and lack of personal hygiene to the emergence of pimples and the deterioration of our skin health.

It is believed that bathing after exercise directly can help prevent the spread of pimples in the skin for people with skin disease. In this regard, Waldorf confirms the need to clean the pores properly, since this is a very important aspect, although we do not have much time to stand long under water, we can shower quickly with soap and water.

Oily skin owners should shower daily. In contrast, sensitive or dry skin owners can shower at a rate of "two or three times a week only to reduce dryness, itching or inflammation," said Clay Cocrell, a dermatologist.

If we are both owners of these two types of skin and exercise also, we can rely on soft types of soap, and put a generous cream after the completion of bathing directly. You should also work to protect and promote the safety of our skin and to visit the doctor.

"When people age, their skin tends to produce less oil, so they can have problems if they take a few baths a week," she said.

People living in humid or hot places need to take a bath each day to reduce the accumulation of bacteria and get rid of bad smell and nuisance, but if the weather is very cold, the number of showers can be reduced.

Waldorf said, "It is better to shower less during the cold and dry months of winter."

In addition, bathing can lead to further dryness of our skin if the outer air is dry. If a person notices that his skin has become very dry and is unusually itchy, you should rethink the number of shower times throughout the week and remove the peeling creams.