Issa Tibi - Berlin

The number of German citizens embracing right-wing ideologies has grown staggering, and it is no longer a matter of followers of the right-wing Alternative Party or supporters of extreme right-wing movements like the Begida movement, according to a study entitled "

A survey by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation between September and February of 1890 Germany found that about half of Germans believe in ideas that are classified as "right-wing" literature.

The question was: "Do you feel that Germany is embracing more numbers than foreigners, and do the refugees hide the fact that they are not oppressed in the countries they came from?" Does the government hide the truth about the citizens? Which differ ideologically with right-wing theses.

The other shock revealed by the study is the tendency of large rules within the traditional German parties in various walks to the far right.

This acceleration is described as a danger that may be matched by conservative Christian, socialist and liberal electoral blocs on the one hand, and ideologies of the right-wing alternative party on the other.

The study revealed that 21 percent of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel's party and its junior partner in the government, the Bavarian Christian Social Party, have far-right convictions.

The study revealed another paradox, which was the increase in the percentage of the electoral bloc of the liberal stream, with 23% of the Liberal Liberal Democratic Party expressed their conviction of those right-wing tendencies as well.

More than 16 percent of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), Merkel's partner in the ruling coalition, The lowest percentage of left-wing voters was in the survey, at about 7%.