Not really moviegoers, but great travelers. Marion and Clémentine are among the 140 volunteers of the Festival des 3 Continents, in Nantes.

Marion Chassard, 26, welcomes the pros, and Clémentine Laporte, 22, holds the bar at the festival of 3 continents in Nantes.

When did you discover the festival?

Marion: Collégienne, I came with my class. I did not really hang on. And then I came back with my parents during my high school years. Since then, I am a faithful.

Clementine: I live in Nantes for four years. I discovered the festival when I was a student in an applied foreign language. I was learning Japanese and I was interested in seeing movies in that language.

What are you looking for in the 3 Continents?

Marion: I see movies that are not shown elsewhere. I'm back from the United States, where I taught French, and I enjoy hearing about other languages. At the festival, things are moving everywhere!

Clémentine: I love traveling and here we learn a lot about cultures elsewhere. We hear different languages, I find it beautiful.

A heart stroke, a desire?

Marion: I particularly like Brazilian cinema. I have a particular attachment for this country of which I like the lights and the contrasts. I will see Temporada in international competition.

Clementine: I love romance and see how filmmakers approach this theme. Questions about body and gender interest me too. I saw Memories of my body, an Indonesian movie where a little boy enters a dance school where men perform female roles.

A tip for those who dare not take their ticket?

Marion and Clémentine: There is no need to have knowledge in the cinema. The density of the program can be scary, but just do not have a barrier to get carried away by a film. If you want to travel without moving from Nantes, push the door!

Festival des 3 Continents, until November 27, in Nantes (in several cinemas) and in Loire-Atlantique. Prices of the session: from 5.50 € to 6.50 €.