The Ministry of Health and Community Protection issued a decision to withdraw the operation of the product Needle: Lot No: 8833678, used in the operation of the heart, because of manufacturing problems may cause the blockage of the blood vessels of the patient, and then death, through a stroke.

According to the circular issued by Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health Policy and Licenses, Chairman of the Higher Committee for Drug Awakening Dr. Amin Hussein Al Amiri, the Ministry decided to withdraw the operation of one of the medical means Transseptal Needle: Lot No: 8833678, used in cardiac surgery, by the manufacturer Gilf Drug, According to a report from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that a manufacturing problem could lead to the insertion of separate plastic fragments from the needle into the patient's blood vessels, it could cause blockage and death due to a stroke.

The ministry addressed all medical areas, government and private hospitals, pharmacists, pharmacists assistants, and government and private pharmacies, noting that the producer was registered with them. The manufacturer also reported that the aforementioned operation did not enter the country through the agent. Patient Safety.