Nizar Al-Farawi-Rabat

Lava of anger and screams of pain and fragments of individual and collective memory witnessing the diary of the resurrection Announced, combined in a narrative to tell the absurdity of the Syrian tragedy and its aura in the novel "witnessed the graves" of the young Syrian writer Mohammed al-Mir Ghalib.

In his first novel, the softness of a literary experience reveals the distance between the writer and his subject. Written in blood and tears, written in the form of notes of a young Syrian who lived the tragedy of various sites and angles, a friend arranged and drafted in a novel that commemorates the victims and the perpetrators alike.

It is an experimental text documenting the diaries of the open, the diaspora and the ghastly, with a sometimes sarcastic spirit and sometimes a deep poetic sense.

Poetic writing tragedy
At the beginning of the book, Mohammed Al-Mair alerts critics to the emergence of the novel from the standards and controls governing the narration industry, leading to the flow of thought and thought and meditation, but this "false alarm" did not prevent the Katara Award for the Arabic version 2017 of the culmination of the work (440 pages) Among the publications of the Award.

"I started writing the novel on the memoir program in my mobile phone before I finished my twenty-second year, I had no experience in narrative narration techniques, I wrote in response to the slap, I entered her world as if I were in a fight between Warm youth .. The fact that poetic poetry overwhelmed the text without explicit awareness of me, but spontaneously broken angry who does not dare to scream only in his novel.

Muhammad al-Mir Ghaleb wrote "Witness the Cemeteries" as a response to the slap (island)

The main character trajectory of Ziad takes a search for purification from the sin of blood and ruin. He tells and documents his memoirs to be a witness to collective sin in the country and the future. He tells of different sites, from inside and outside the tragedy, from the point of view of this party and its opposite, so that it is sometimes impossible to sort out between the executioner and the victim.

In the words of Ghaleb, who saw the light in the city of "peaceful" (central Syria) in 1991, the hero "is looking for an act that cleanses what he has done in sculpture, writing, marriage, and last attempt to create a healthy family despite obstacles. Each one of us, an attempt to learn that each of us is not the owner of this planet nor its sponsor or its politicians. "

A true fantasy story
27 Memo shares the time of the Syrian revolution, without linear discipline, but manipulation of time, because memory is dictating the text, although they are tumult to form a series begins in 2011 with the first instigations of popular movement and ends in 2014.

The writer is guided to a narrative perception that allows him to turn the faces of the tragedy from different locations. The summaries come as a city for all, which hardly absolves anyone or a party. Everyone is responsible for the great collapse, and the victim is Syria and the future. The increase of the student of literature finds himself invited to perform military service, coinciding with his diary, which was supposed to be a "temporary" experience of the uprising of the Syrian street.

Discovers that his leaders did not hesitate to carry out a killing of his comrades and camouflage it as a process of rebels, to provoke their desire to retaliate in the killing without fear. Succeeds in escaping to find himself in an armed opposition organization, another site with another vision of reality. The facts on the ground change on the ground and he is compelled to fight under the banner of a jihadi organization.

Ziad is trained to kill, and to master him, but he soon discovers that he is not his profession and does not want him to be his. He succeeds in escaping within the convoys of refugees, and ends up under tents. In this naked space, the wounded and exhausted self can regain the story of the homeland and contemplate the game of life, death and the absurdity of division.

Under tents, not all colors are a tragedy. There is a place to rediscover the transcendent unity of the group, and there is an opportunity to restore love in the person of "Leila", which joins in the Ziad, at a turning point for the narrative. Ziad's fate seems to be a warning to the death of the crazy shot of an armed group, but the seed of hope sprouts in the womb of his wife, Leila, who runs across the border.

As for the writer, the hero's movements and personality fluctuations are meant to describe the vicissitudes of the Syrian street in different regions and times, "because of the daily contradictions that have caused us a state of collective schizophrenia ... Yes, in the years that have passed we were all torturers and victims. The crime he had applauded one day or at least justified, so I personally at the beginning I was one of the killers and murderers. Perhaps I wrote the novel as a confession or in search of an instrument of forgiveness.

Literature of Tribulation
"Days in Baba Amr", "The drums of war" by Maha Hassan, "No knives in the kitchens of this city" by Khalid Khalifa, "Night of the World" by Nabil Suleiman, "The Barbaric Garden" by Khalil Sweileh, and others. With the "witnessed graves" literary library narrative about the details of the Syrian tragedy, and embodies the role of literature in the testimony of the times.

For this accumulation of novelist processions of the days of mobility in Syria, as in others, Mohamed al-Mir Ghalib believes that "novels know you the real history, not the history of textbooks, talk about the grief of people, not the goals and aspirations and setbacks of kings and leaders."

"This accumulation is natural and necessary, because we have a great legacy of silence, I respect every action that speaks of the suffering of the Syrian man, I do not like the actions that are of any concern to anyone, whether by praise or blame," he said.