What is your blood type? And why is it so important to scoop it? What are the foundations of blood transfusion? Is there a relationship between the emerging corona virus and blood type? These and other questions we answer here.

What blood types are there?

The blood group system AB (AB), A (A), B (B) and (O) are the most well-known, and the type of blood type is mentioned with the rhesus factor, so the blood group is positive or negative, and there are many types of blood group systems Others, such as the Kell antigen system (positive or negative agent).

Blood groups (also known as blood groups or types) are a mechanism for classifying blood types, and are made to determine the type of blood a person can receive, and when organ organs are donated.

The type of blood type depends on the presence or absence of certain proteins on the red blood cells, and these proteins are called antigens (antigen), and the blood type is determined by heredity from the parents.

With regard to the common and universally used classification of blood types, it includes two categories of blood groups, and they overlap:

  • ABO: There are 4 blood types, which are "O", "A", "B", and "AB".
  • Rh: There are two types: Rh-positive blood and Rh-negative.

For each person, the blood type is a combination of the two categories, such as "positive" (A), and "or" (O), negative.

The blood group is known to determine the type of blood that a person can receive when blood transfusions or organ transplants. If the transfused blood is not suitable, the immune system prepares it as a foreign body and attacks it, which leads to complications.

Is knowledge of blood type useful in emergencies?

Blood type is usually determined before surgery, mainly in emergency situations, and, according to laboratory doctors, this process takes 45 minutes.

What to do if a person needs blood transfusion immediately?

Until the blood group is determined, the blood group "or" (O) can be transferred negatively, as this blood group can be donated to all infected people in general.

What is the importance of knowing the blood type?

Determining the appropriate blood group appears when a person needs blood. For example, people with a negative "or" (O) family cannot tolerate other blood types, and only blood donors with the same species are suitable for them.

On what basis is blood transfusion?

Depending on your blood type, the type of blood that can be transferred to you is as follows:

  • If your blood type is positive for the Rhythmic Factor, you are receiving positive Rh + (Rh) and negative Rh (-Rh), subject to the type "ABO".
  • If your blood group is a Rhythmic factor (-Rh), you are only receiving a Rh-negative, taking into account the type of ABO.
  • Blood type "A" (A) is received only by "A" and "or" (O), subject to the Rhythmic factor.
  • Blood type "B" (B) is received only by "B" and "or" (O), taking into account the Rhythmic factor.
  • AB blood type is received of all types, taking into account the Rhythmic factor.
  • A blood type "or" (O) is received from "or" (O) only, taking into account the Rhythmic factor.
  • Blood group "or" Rhythmic Factor Negative (-O) given to all types of blood groups.
  • A blood group "or" positive raysian factor (+ O) is given to all types of positive blood types.

Is there a relationship between blood type and infection of the emerging corona virus?

Answer: Yes, as European experts searching for the causes of the symptoms of Covid-19 disease among patients have revealed that the blood type and other genetic factors may be related to the severity of the infection that causes the virus Corona virus.

The results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, indicated that blood type "A" subjects are more likely than others to contract HIV and face more severe symptoms.

During the height of the epidemic in Europe, the researchers analyzed the genes of more than 4,000 people, looking for common factors among people living with the virus who had severe symptoms of Covid-19 disease.

The researchers discovered a common set of variants in genes linked to the immune system response among individuals who had severe symptoms of Covid-19. These genes have also been linked to a protein on the surface of cells called "ACE2" that the virus uses to enter and infected cells in the body.

The researchers found, led by Dr. Andre Francke from the Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel, Germany, and Dr. Tom Carlsen from the University Hospital of Oslo in Norway; Relationship between disease severity and blood type.

The risk of developing severe symptoms of Covid-19 was 45% higher among those with blood type "A" compared to other blood groups, and the risk was 35% lower than that of blood group "O".