Mohammed Al-Minshawi-Washington

Through several messages, Prince Muhammad bin Salman prepared Washington to assume the mandate of the covenant and topple his cousin, Prince Muhammad bin Nayef, who was holding important files and had strong links to the circles of power in the United States.

Among the initialization messages is the hosting of a high-caliber opinion book by Muhammad bin Salman in major US newspapers.

The Saudi Embassy in Washington arranged meetings between Bin Salman and Thomas Friedman, one of the most important New York Times writers, and David Ignacius, a prominent writer for The Washington Post.

After spending hours with the young prince in his palaces inside Saudi Arabia, the two writers returned to write articles that only reflected admiration for the young prince who "took upon himself the task of reforming his country."

Ignacius wrote in April 2017, "Can a young prince reconfigure his country, Saudi Arabia? Can he make his vision real?"

Less than two months later, the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef was overthrown, and Mohammed bin Salman ascended the country's heir.

But the American elite changed its attitudes towards the young prince after the positions and policies that caused unstoppable human tragedies in Yemen, in addition to his iron fist and abuse of all opponents and independents inside and outside his country, most notably the brutal disposal of journalist writer Jamal Khashoggi at his country's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

A few days ago, Ignacius' article in the Washington Post dealt with the march of the rise of the former Saudi crown prince, Muhammad bin Nayef, then what he described as a tragic collapse later at the hands of the current crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. The article warned of the possibility of Bin Nayef being tried, which shed light again The importance of Washington's role in the issue of succession of Saudi rule.

Washington and the two heads
of government departments in Washington know Muhammad bin Nayef well by heading anti-terrorist programs in Saudi Arabia after the September 11, 2011 attacks and in broad coordination with US intelligence agencies.

While Washington did not know Muhammad bin Salman except with the escalation of the Minister of Defense after his father became king of Saudi Arabia at the beginning of 2015.

Since mid-2015, a silent conflict has begun between the current Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the former Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef over the size of their influence in Washington.

The signs of this competition appeared to the public when the Saudi Ministry of Interior, headed by Mohammed bin Nayef at the time, contracted in May 2017 with the lobby company "Snoran Policy Group" known to be close to the Trump administration to serve its interests and goals in Washington, DC.

The Ministry of the Interior's contract with its own lobby company constituted an explicit declaration of competition for influence in American circles, as Muhammad bin Salman had established research bodies and a lobby company to directly serve his interests in Washington.

After registering the independent Ministry of Interior contract five weeks ago, on June 21, 2017 the Saudi Crown Prince and Minister of Interior Muhammad bin Nayef was overthrown, stripped of all his posts, and Muhammad bin Salman escalated the mandate of the Covenant.

Washington returned to the battlefield as the New York Times revealed weeks ago that some imprisoned members of the Saudi royal family, through their mediators, were seeking to push the Trump administration to end what they see as political persecution from the current Saudi crown prince.

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, the researcher at the Institute of International Policy bin Freeman pointed out that "It is undeniable that the United States plays a role in the succession struggle in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Muhammad bin Salman looks forward to Trump's support, and Bin Salman has succeeded in all his endeavors."

However, Bruce Riedel, a former CIA official, disagrees with what Freeman said, as he confirmed in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net that Washington "is following the issue of the succession in Saudi Arabia from a distance, but President Trump sent multiple signals indicating his support for Muhammad Bin Salman. "

Concerns about the life of Bin Nayef
In an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, Bruce Riedel emphasized that "the Saudi Crown Prince's arrest of a high-ranking Saudi prince at this level is very disturbing. I fear for the life of Muhammad bin Nayef, and it is clear that Mohammed bin Salman sees bin Nayef is a great threat to him. "

For his part, Freeman believes that after three years in power, Bin Salman was able to control the wealth of his rivals, arrest and torture them, and "until his political opponents and opponents were killed, there is no faction that would constitute a threat to Bin Salman."

Freeman believes that Bin Salman used the allegations of corruption as an excuse to eliminate a major competitor like Muhammad bin Nayef, "Bin Salman has adopted this method in the past. Saudi Governance Foundation three years ago.

According to Freeman, Washington understands that "Mohammed bin Salman's crackdown on corruption was only a step to extend his political control by arresting his political rivals."

Joe Biden's stance on bin Salman
With less than four months remaining in the US presidential elections, which may result in the loss of Muhammad bin Salman, his strong ally in the White House, Joe Biden's coming to power represents a very disturbing scenario for the Saudi crown prince.

Biden represents the traditional trend in the Democratic Party, but this current is exposed to unrelenting pressures from the progressive trend that wants a coup against traditional American policies, especially Washington's relationship with the dictatorships of the Third World.

Hence, it is not surprising that Biden distinguished from his announcement since his candidacy for the presidency focused on Trump's record of supportive of dictators around the world.

Biden, in an interview with CBS, strongly criticized "Trump's unlimited support to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman," Biden noted that "Trump finds justifications for the Saudi crown prince out of the facts, and this harms the United States and its international reputation." .

Biden also called for ending American support for the war waged by Saudi Arabia in Yemen, and a statement issued during his presidential campaign stated that "Vice President Joe Biden believes that the United States must stop its support for the war in Yemen and stop providing a blank check to Saudi Arabia regarding this war."

This statement came after Trump used his veto power against a Congressional decision to end US military support for the war in Yemen.

Bin Freeman believed that "Mohammed bin Salman's investment in intense courtship with Trump and his inner circle, especially Jared Kushner, had more return than he could have imagined. Trump's support for Salman helps extend his strong control over the joints of Saudi rule."

Freeman believes that once Biden came to power, bin Salman would "miss Trump's repeated objection to Congressional measures supported by leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties that would punish the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the brutal killing of Jamal Khashoggi."