• Ruth Bader Ginsburg funeral parlor on Capitol Hill: she is the first woman in US history

  • USA.

    Mortuary for Ginsburg at the Supreme Court.

    Trump's homage, disputed: "Get him out!"


September 26, 2020 Donald Trump has chosen who to replace Judge

Ruth Bader Ginsburg with

 at the Supreme Court: Amy Coney Barrett, judge of the Chicago Court of Appeals and former assistant to the late Conservative Supreme Court judge Antonin Scalia, known for her anti-abortion positions.

The official announcement confirms the news released yesterday by the US media. 

Ginsburg, who died at the age of 87, an icon of the battles for civil rights, will therefore be replaced by the 48-year-old Barrett, conservative, ultra-Catholic, opposed to abortion.

A choice that galvanizes the radical religious electorate, on which Trump still points, as 4 years ago, for re-election. 

The replacement of a judge of the Court who with his judgments directs US law, and who with this appointment further strengthens the conservative majority, so shortly after the vote is an unprecedented event, but the Republicans have all the numbers to pass the appointment despite protests from Democrats. 

Barret hearing in the Senate

on October 12 The hearing in the Senate for the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court with the initial declarations should begin on October 12.

According to the calendar circulating in the Senate, the first round of questions in the Senate for Barrett would begin on October 13 and continue on the 14 with the second half.

There should be a closed-door session with outside witnesses on October 15th.

The Republicans' goal is to get the green light before the November 3 elections.