
Munich (dpa) - In the rape and murder trial in an old people's home, the accused appealed to the Regional Court II on Tuesday that there was a lack of memory.

"He doesn't know anything, he has no memories of anything," said the lawyer for the 88-year-old Alzheimer's patient.

The old man was then released from the duty to take part in the main hearing against him - also for reasons of "procedural economy," as the presiding judge said.

The public prosecutor's office accuses the man of raping and murdering a roommate in a nursing home in the Miesbach district.

He is said to have brutally attacked the 85-year-old woman who was also suffering from dementia.

He is said to have raped the bedridden elderly woman in her room and beaten her so badly that she later died of pneumonia in the hospital - triggered by inhaled blood.

The man is said to have broken several ribs.

The 88-year-old is considered to be incapable of guilt because of his illness.

If convicted, he faces no prison sentence, but permanent placement in a closed psychiatric hospital.


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