SVT sent out the following questions to the school principals in each municipality:

  • How do you prepare your school activities for children from war-torn Ukraine?

  • If possible;

    how many children will you receive?

  • What special support can you offer the children?

  • What experiences from the refugee situation in 2015 linked to the war in Syria have you taken with you?

  • Here are the municipalities' answers, we have in some cases shortened the answers somewhat:

    Västerås city

    1. We inventory which staff speaks Ukrainian or Russian.

    In the short term, children and students can be received in our existing schools.

    In the next few months, we are preparing to develop additional places in available premises and are planning to recruit additional staff.

    Towards the end of spring and the beginning of autumn, we are preparing for further solutions with new preschools and schools and further staff recruitment.

    We see opportunities to recruit teachers and school staff who come from Ukraine.

    2. We do not yet have figures or forecasts for how many children and students will come to Västerås and when in time these will come, but we are preparing so that we can receive all children and students who have the right to schooling in Västerås.

    3. We have a developed student health in our primary and secondary schools that have the competence and experience of meeting children who need different types of support measures.

    We also have mother tongue teachers and staff who have knowledge in meeting students from different cultures and with different language skills.

    We have special teachers and special educators.

    4. We have increased the capacity to receive students, and prepare them for teaching based on the Swedish curriculum.

    We also have experience of meeting children and young people who have fled war, as well as greater experience of working in a crisis situation in the organization.

    Köping municipality

    1. In the current situation, we go through and see which schools and preschools have opportunities to receive more children / students and also examine the possibility of starting more groups / classes within the preschool / school.

    2. At present, there are no notifications from the Swedish Integration Board about refugees from Ukraine

    3. In the municipality of Köping, we have had training in the project Newcomers and multilingual learning, for example trauma-conscious care.

    Then all students have the right to the support they need to assimilate the teaching, it can be good access to student health, teaching materials in different languages ​​and more.

    4. Köping has good experiences of receiving children and young people in all school forms from preschool to high school for a limited time.

    The importance of a good welcome and preparation for parents, existing students and received students who are also given the necessary support and introduction were success factors in both 2013 and 2014, when the municipality of Köping received a considerable volume of new arrivals.

    Sala kommun

    Reception / mapping of the newly arrived children / students is ongoing within the Center for Multilingualism.

    Three children are currently in process.

    When we have survey results, the principal may decide on the right activities in the future, ie direct inclusion, preparatory class or reception school.

    2. We start from those who are in Sala right now: about 20 children and students.

    Create the best possible security around children and students.

    Language skills, ie staff / interpreters who speak Ukrainian.

    4. Good infrastructure / premises for the first meeting.

    The right competence when receiving / mapping.

    Gradual adaptation of teaching rooms for small groups.

    Fagersta municipality

    With regard to housing, a working group is working on this issue, where there is a plan to receive families and children.

    We have participated in training on newcomers' learning and we are well prepared to receive people with various traumas.

    At present, we have places to go where students can enter different classes.

    If the pressure is higher than that, as it was in 2015, we will review both the local issue and the personnel issue.

    We have participated in Save the Children's education TMO which is about trauma management and we believe that the children who will now come will have.

    Arboga municipality

    We can not answer how many will come.

    It is the Swedish Migration Agency that signs agreements on apartments and we do not know the number of apartments or which families will come here.

    We are prepared to receive in our schools and inventory which school and preschool places we have.

    We have support in our own student health teams with counselors and a school psychologist if needed.

    If specialist care is needed, it will be referred via the health centers.

    We have received children and students in our activities for many years and my opinion is that we are well prepared.

    Kungsör municipality

    We currently know if or how many children come to Kungsör municipality.

    There is a broad experience of receiving children with another mother tongue since the situation that arose after 2015. For example, to be able to quickly organize preparation groups, work with surveys and the structure for cooperation between study supervisors and other teachers.

    Hallstahammar municipality

    1. Hallstahammar's preschools and schools have a routine for receiving newly arrived children / students and we will follow it.

    We plan to start a preparatory class for school students and we also plan to start collaboration with open preschools that are under both municipal and church auspices.

    2. We have not yet received any children / students.

    We are preparing in the municipality to offer 80-100 emergency accommodation in the first stage and we do not yet know how many of these are children.

    We will map the students according to our routines and offer support based on the students' needs.

    4. We have experience, routines and an organization that we take with us from the refugee situation in 2015.

    Surahammar municipality

    1. We have a plan for our students / children arriving from Ukraine.

    2. Currently nine pieces.

    3. Interpreter and teaching by an educator who previously had preparatory classes, 2015. Other support may be shown after surveys have been performed.

    4. That it is good to start in a smaller grouping to later be locked out of class.

    We never know what experiences the children carry with them and a sense of security with their own grouping has been good.

    Norbergs kommun

    1. We inventory premises and staff to be able to start up a preparation class.

    2. We have an obligation to accept everyone who is of school age.

    We know that there are 15 children of school age today but have no contact information for them yet.

    3. It's not much, the curators and school nurses we have employed already have full calendars.

    We expect that asylum health is available.

    4. They are many and solid and can not be written in a short email.

    The Swedish Migration Agency still has apartments in Norberg for asylum seekers from other countries, so we have never ended our reception.

    Skinnskatteberg municipality

    1. We have appointed a refugee coordination group where we in the municipal management take in information, and prepare the school with current information.

    2. We work to prepare to receive children / adults for empty apartments and other municipal housing.

    We have student health teams and staff who speak their language and digital aids.

    4. We are more prepared now and have other conditions.