Attorney Beatrice Rämsell went through the story presented by the prosecutor step by step. But she began by criticizing police and prosecutors for locking themselves up early with the boyfriend, who was arrested a few days after Wilma's report disappeared.

- The police and prosecutors have not been able to resist the pressure. It was already going awry when the boyfriend was arrested, she said.

The lawyer also pointed out that the media attention, with direct reporting from the courtroom, may have affected witnesses and that it has been difficult to get people to testify in favor of the suspect.

"Several have called me and cried and said that I can't testify for a murderer," she said.

"Gradually Structures"

According to the lawyer, the picture presented by the boyfriend as controlling and violently false.

- I mean that their tasks are ex post constructions. It may not be so strange when you have lost someone. But I think that's how their tasks should be handled, like exterior constructions, said Beatrice Rämsell.

She also pointed out that the prosecutor failed to establish how or where Wilma died and opened up to a number of alternatives.

- The conclusion is that the boyfriend cannot be convicted of murder. There are no answers to the questions when, where and how, Beatrice Rämsell said.