The temperature in Nikkaluokta has dropped some more and continued cold temperatures are expected in the northern parts of the country in the coming days.

- That Sweden has the coldest temperature in Europe is not unusual.

The cold air in the north will move south during the night until Monday and it will be minus degrees in large parts of the country, SVT's meteorologist Ebba Mårtensson.

Two decimetres of snow are expected

Two snowstorms will pass Götaland at the beginning of next week and about two decimetres of white precipitation is expected to fall.

- Most of the precipitation will end up in Götaland.

It is difficult to say exactly when they will arrive and whether it means that the whole country will be covered in snow.

But sometime in the beginning of next week we may have winter all over the country.

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This is how the body is affected by the cold

The two snowstorms come from the west.

- They will pass quickly and it contributes to drift formations, which can cause problems.

Can get slippery on the roads

SMHI agreed that Skåne and Blekinge could get snowdrifts and lameness in traffic on Sunday.

But SMHI has reduced the warnings somewhat.

Only on Wednesday is there a requirement for winter tires in winter road conditions, but it can be good to change before then.

On Monday, there may be problems on the roads in southern Sweden.

- Because it gets wet during the evening and night, and then freezes during the night, it can be slippery on the roads during tomorrow.

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Follow the ice rink and see the difference between good and bad winter tires Photo: SVT