• Coronavirus, Salvini in Mondragone: crowd, protests and interrupted rally
  • Coronavirus, Mondragone: the red zone of the former Cirio buildings extended until 7 July
  • High voltage in Mondragone in the quarantined buildings, van set on fire
  • Mondragone outbreak: 43 positive cases. Residents protest: a van burned
  • Mondragone. Perrella: "Outbreak under control". Uil asks Bartolini to close or block


July 03, 2020 "I will continue to return to Caserta and Campania until work, safety and peace of mind are put at the center". The leader of the League Matteo Salvini said this during a surprise visit to Mondragone (Caserta), the second after Monday when there were protests and accidents with activists from the Neapolitan social centers. 

"I am here for Italians and foreigners who are fed up with the Roma who make a mess"
 "As promised, I went back to Mondragone (Caserta). Without hooligans from the social centers and friends of the Camorristi to throw stones and bottles, I was able to listen to the producers of the buffalo mozzarella from Campania, the mothers with disabled children without necessary assistance, the traders and the bathers in difficulty, the 118 rescuers who work for 3 euros per hour, Italians and foreigners who are fed up with the Roma who make a mess. Campania deserves better, I am here ".

"Use me as a tourist promoter"
 "I would like to be used as a tourist promoter of these places and these goodnesses". This was stated by the secretary of the League Matteo Salvini, this morning in Mondragone (Caserta), in reference to the localities of the Domizio coastline and its agricultural and dairy products.

Italy-Bulgaria. "It is not a World Cup match"
To those who ask him what can be done to mitigate the conflict between Italians and Bulgarians, which started after the coronavirus infections that affected several Bulgarian laborers residing in the former Cirio buildings, Salvini replies that "it is not 'a problem between Italy and Bulgaria World Cup semifinal, there are respectable people, and profiteers and criminals. I believe that here the problem, I do not say that it is easily solved because I have seen worse situations around Italy. Here the problem it is the economic recovery, it is agriculture on its knees, it is the buffalo mozzarella that suffers from the not quite shining image of this land, which however has enormous potential ". 

"The sooner you send De Luca home, the better"
"In the Government with Pd and 5 Stars I don't go and I don't go back. The main way is to give the floor to the people, the sooner you vote and the better. In Campania you vote and the sooner you send De Luca home, the better. "