Your twenties are for choosing your life and career path, and your thirties for settling down your chosen path and starting to prepare for your future.

Therefore, your thirties are considered an ideal age to start investing;

You're in your early earning years, and you're more likely to have real money coming in, but you also have 3 or 4 decades until retirement, which is a great time to grow your investment, even if you have to endure a downturn or two in the stock trading market, for example.

Writer Kristen Herold identified 14 tips - in a report on the US Invested Wallet website - that enable you to develop a wise investment strategy in your thirties.

Here are the best tips for investing in your 30s:

1. Develop a comprehensive plan

You cannot begin your investment journey until you have a roadmap to follow.

Think carefully about your investment goals, where do you want to end up, how hard is it to work towards that end, and what are your personal resources: financial and psychological?

A good investment plan consists of specific, actionable goals.

Actionability is important;

Because if you set yourself noble but unattainable goals, you are exposing yourself to failure, and this bitter taste will make it difficult to try again.

Specific goals are important;

Because it is easier to measure your progress towards specific goals.

If you're just trying to "save a lot of money", who's to say if you've failed or succeeded?

2. Embrace risk

When you invest in your 30s, retirement is decades away, and you have plenty of years to earn interest or make up for any slips.

So, you should not fear the big risks now;

You still have plenty of time;

If you miss a big investment opportunity, or fall victim to a market correction, you can absorb these losses easily.

After all, greater returns also come with greater risks.

And if you have a high risk tolerance, financial experts suggest putting your money in IPOs, high-yield bonds, REITs or foreign emerging markets.

3. Diversification is a good thing

The easiest way to take reasonable measures to protect your investments is to ensure that you have a diversified portfolio.

If your money is distributed among different investments, you are immune to a sudden shock in a market.

Let's say all your money is in stocks, if the stock market takes a big hit, your portfolio will decline.

But if your money is distributed between stocks, bonds, real estate and cryptocurrency, your net worth will take a much smaller hit.

4. Take control of your debt

Paying off debt should be a fairly high priority at this point in your investment journey, especially high-interest debt such as credit card balances;

That's because the interest that you will accrue on this debt will accrue over the years, and you will often reach a point where you will be paying multiple times your initial debt.

There are many strategies people use to pay off their debts, but most experts agree that the most logical way to do this is to deal with the higher interest debt, move on to the next, and so on until you are free of debt.

Just be sure to strike a balance between paying down debt and investing your money.

5. Set a budget and stick to it

No matter how much you make, you'll spend a lot less if you set a budget and stick to it.

There are a number of financial apps that will track your spending and show you where you're losing the most money, some of which will compare your spending with your peers and show you where you're spending more or less relative to them.

6. Start saving for retirement

Financial experts suggest setting aside 10% to 15% of your income during your 30s for retirement, so that the money has a few decades to accumulate interest.

With a runway of 3 decades or more before you retire, the investments you make now are likely to be the most important investments of your life.

7. Rely heavily on long-term stocks

Over the long term, the stock has averaged a return of around 10%, which is great.

The only drawback is that the stock market is unpredictable, its behavior is volatile, which means that you will have to put up with some accidents if you are going to face it in the long run.

If you don't have the appetite for risk, you can still make profits from the long-term market by putting money into ETFs or mutual funds.

8. Thinking about buying a home

Many people in their twenties rent, and understandably so, renting gives you flexibility and mobility, and can be less expensive, in the short term, than buying.

But when you reach your thirties, you should consider buying a home as a way to build wealth.

Historically, real estate has been a great investment.

9. Keep some cash in reserve

As a general rule, you should invest as much as possible in your 30s.

But for practical reasons, you should keep a good amount of cash on hand to cover your expenses, as well as any emergencies that may arise.

Financial experts suggest keeping about 50% of an average month's expenses in a checking account so you can handle any expenses.

You should also have a contingency fund for 3 to 6 months of expenses, in case you lose your job or face any other sudden change of circumstances.

Don't keep a lot of cash, as its value erodes with inflation.

You may be tempted to spend impulsively, especially if your investments experience a sudden dip.

10. Don't be afraid to ask for help

If you want to get a haircut, renovate your kitchen, or check out your car, you will turn to a professional.

It shouldn't be any different when it comes to your financial situation;

Financial planners can create a comprehensive savings and investment plan for you, and working with a planner has been shown to improve your return on investment.

Professional advice is especially important if you are just beginning your investment journey.

Instead of learning by experience, you can benefit from an expert's knowledge and ensure that you are starting on the right path.

After all, making the right investment decisions in your 30s can benefit you for decades, while making the wrong ones can hold you back for many years.

11. Involve the spouse

If you are going to get married, it is very important that you and your spouse have similar financial priorities.

After all, if you're saving and investing as much as you can, while they're spending every dollar, you may not have compatible visions for the future.

The solution is very simple: communicate.

Make sure you talk about your specific financial goals with your spouse and the concrete steps you are taking to achieve those goals, define what kind of lifestyle expectations you have and listen to their goals and desires.

With a little work and compromise, you're likely to find common ground.

12. Start saving for your kids

When you speed up your investment strategy, it can be easy to gain insight into expenses and forget that you are not only setting aside money for yourself, but also providing support for your future family.

The main cost for your future children will be college tuition fees;

The cost of college has been on the rise for decades and shows no signs of slowing down.

While it is certainly possible that your future children will receive financial assistance, it is not guaranteed.

Therefore, it is wise to save as if you are going to pay the full price of your tuition fees.

13. Request for increases

As you enter your thirties, you are approaching your major earnings years.

The more you earn, the more you can invest, so do everything you can to maximize your potential earnings.

Don't be shy about asking for increases, or changing jobs if you can negotiate a higher salary.

And just as your 30s are your prime earning years, this is also the best time to invest, as your money has decades to grow!

14. Living without your means

While maximizing your profits, you must reduce your expenses.

We've covered a few ways to do this above—like paying off your debt and budgeting—but you should take a big picture approach that keeps your expenses to a minimum.

And remember, the less money you spend, the more money you can invest!