
Dresden (dpa / sn) - The left in the Saxon state parliament want to distribute more money to the municipalities in the Free State.

The state should pay cities and municipalities 200 million euros more per year through the financial equalization, said the MP Mirko Schultze on Sunday in Dresden.

The money should serve to make local life more attractive.

The background to this is a special session of the parliament next Wednesday, at which the financial equalization law is to be voted on.

“The pandemic in particular shows that it is important to strengthen local structures.

Although we have been promised for years that we will fundamentally reform the financial equalization law, the new coalition has not kept its word so far, ”said Schultze.

An amendment submitted by the left could not fundamentally correct the aging basic structure of the financial equalization, but at least ensure that the fulfillment of tasks at the municipal level is not jeopardized.

Saxony's finance minister Hartmut Vorjohann (CDU) promised broad support to the municipalities in January when the draft for the double budget was submitted to the state parliament.

«You need planning security for positive prospects in the regions.

Funds in the amount of 7.2 billion euros annually are planned for our Saxon cities, communities and districts, ”he said at the time.

This means that around a third of the total budget goes to the municipal level.


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