It takes a few more steps to get rid of "only academic qualifications" in the recruitment of public institutions

Recently, public institutions have issued recruitment announcements for 2022.

Comparing the recruitment announcements of previous years, job seekers who are preparing to apply for public institutions found that although in the unified recruitment announcements, some institutions’ requirements for academic qualifications have been diluted, such as changing the previous “undergraduate and above” academic requirements to Ordinary college graduates, but the requirements for academic qualifications for specific positions are still "undergraduate and above."

In some places, when the announcement was issued, it was suggested that college or higher can also apply for the exam, but the positions that can apply for only accounted for less than 3% of the total number of positions.

  Not long ago, the "Notice on Issues Concerning Vocational College Graduates Participating in Public Recruitment of Public Institutions" issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security clearly requires that public recruitment of public institutions must establish the correct concept of selection and employment, and eliminate the only prestigious schools and academic qualifications. The employment orientation of the company effectively safeguards and guarantees the legal rights and equal opportunities of competition for graduates of vocational colleges (including technical colleges) to participate in public recruitment by public institutions.

Regarding this requirement, whether the employer really implements it is worthy of attention.

When recruiting, the employer should put forward academic requirements according to the needs of the position. For skilled positions, it can be adjusted to a college degree or above, so as to effectively establish the employment standard of lifting ability and weak chemical history.

  At present, many employers not only look at the final academic qualifications, but also come up with a concept of "first academic qualifications" when recruiting.

Only by effectively eliminating the academic qualifications of employers and the employment orientation of prestigious schools, can we create an atmosphere of emphasizing skills but not academic qualifications and provide an equal environment for vocational colleges.

Under the guidance of only academic qualifications and prestigious schools, the social recognition of vocational colleges in my country is low. Not only are parents reluctant to send their children to vocational colleges, but vocational colleges and scholars are unwilling to adhere to the positioning of vocational education, and my country’s social and economic development , Need a large number of high-quality skilled personnel.

  To break the education-only orientation of employers, first of all, government agencies, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises need to take the lead and eliminate unreasonable academic requirements in recruitment.

To get rid of only academic qualifications and “first academic qualifications”, the first step is to clean up the unreasonable academic requirements in the recruitment announcement, and further strengthen the supervision of the recruitment process of employers, and accept job-seekers’ complaints of employment discrimination including academic discrimination. , Promptly correct improper practices.

  Of course, giving vocational graduates various job opportunities is different from whether they can compete with graduates with a bachelor degree.

Equality of opportunity is the basic requirement of fair employment, and the basic rule of the talent market is "meeting supply and demand, and hiring the best."

Using academic qualifications to keep graduates from vocational colleges out of the door without even giving them opportunities, this is academic discrimination, depriving vocational college graduates of equal opportunities, and making vocational college graduates inferior, which directly affects vocational colleges School running.

How to test and what to test in the recruitment examination of employers are also issues that need to be paid attention to after the cancellation of academic requirements.

If only the knowledge test is conducted, then graduates of vocational colleges may fail to pass the exams for graduates of undergraduate colleges.

However, for skilled positions, skill assessment should be emphasized, and an employment evaluation system corresponding to the position should be established.

  Employers must also have a sense of social responsibility to promote educational evaluation reforms.

It can be said that many families are currently trapped by only academic qualifications and prestigious schools. To eliminate the education anxiety of the whole society, it is necessary to reach a consensus and form a joint force, and employers are even more responsible.

Employing only academic qualifications and prestigious schools has a great negative impact on the human resources construction of employers, because many job seekers one-sidedly pursue to improve their academic qualifications to plan academic and professional development, and do not pay attention to improving their own abilities. Even with a large number of highly educated employees, there is a lack of ability, which will affect the long-term development of the employer.

Actively promoting the construction of a skill-based society will not only allow the society to get out of education anxiety, but also enable employers to establish a reasonable human resource team that matches their own development positioning.

(Author: Xiong Bingqi, Dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute)