• Recovery, today the green light for Pnrr and dl on "extra" fund on Cdm


April 29, 2021 On the table of the Council of Ministers there is also an extension decree. The draft of the decree law 'Urgent provisions regarding legislative deadlines' consists of 11 articles. The provision contains a series of extensions that concern various areas, including smartworking, identification documents, the financial statements of local authorities and Chambers of Commerce, special powers in sectors of strategic importance, driving licenses. In the draft, however, there is no measure on bathing concessions.   

Beach concessions, in fact, have become topical again precisely because the European Commission has invited the government to provide details given that the topic is not touched upon in the chapter of the NRP on competition.   

The 2019 budget law provided for the extension of 15 years, until 31 December 2033, of the state-owned tourist concessions, without establishing new tenders. An extension that in Brussels they consider a violation of the market. 

Expiring documents valid until 30 September

Expired identity cards and identification documents will be valid until 30 September. This is the new extension envisaged by the draft of the decree being examined by the Council of Ministers. In addition, goodbye to the theoretical test, to obtain the driving license, for applications submitted starting from January 1, 2021 and until the end of the state of emergency. While for those who applied last year, the deadline for taking the exam is set at the end of this year.

50% smart working obligation exceeded in Public Administrations

The rules of smart working in the Public Administration are changing. In the draft of the extension decree there is no longer any reference to the obligation to make 50% of employees work remotely. The text states that the administrations "until the definition of the discipline of agile work by collective agreements" and "no later than 31 December 2021", notwithstanding the measures of 17 March 2020, "organize the work of their employees and '' provision of services through the flexibility of working hours, reviewing the daily and weekly articulation, introducing scheduled interlocution methods, also through digital solutions and not in presence with users, applying agile work, provided that theprovision of services aimed at citizens and businesses takes place with regularity, continuity and efficiency, as well as in strict compliance with the times provided for by current legislation ".

The 60% limit indicated in the Pola also jumps, while the minimum threshold falls from 30% to 15% in the event of failure to adopt the organizational plans.