
Ulm (dpa / lsw) - Three young graffiti sprayers were caught red-handed on Saturday night in downtown Ulm.

After an initial assessment, the police assume damage of at least 10,000 euros, as they announced on Saturday.

The trio was spraying characters on the wall of an underpass when police officers happened to pass by.

All three ran away, but the officers quickly caught up with two of them.

The two teenagers, 16 and 17 years old, had numerous spray cans and colored pencils as well as a small amount of cannabis with them, it was said.

The third man managed to escape, but according to the police, he will probably also be identified quickly.

The officials compared the freshly attached signs in the underpass with other graffiti in the area and were able to quickly determine the approximate amount of damage.

According to the police, the young people used so-called "tags", which in the graffiti scene are usually only used by one sprayer.


Press release