
Sontra (dpa / lhe) - A man hit two of his colleagues with a forklift in an accident at work and was seriously injured as a result.

According to the police, the employee of a specialist company for windows and doors in Sontra (Werra-Meißner district) transported window parts on a metal frame on Monday morning.

The 49-year-old's view was restricted as a result, as a result of which he overlooked two of his work colleagues.

A 40-year-old injured man was brought to the Werra-Meißner Clinic with pain in his back.

His 68-year-old colleague was flown to the hospital in Kassel in a rescue helicopter.

When he fell, his legs got under the metal frame on the forklift.

As a result, he injured himself on both legs and in the abdomen and pelvic area.

The police are investigating the 49-year-old for negligent bodily harm.

The office for occupational safety of the Kassel regional council and the responsible professional association are to help clarify the incident.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210510-99-544071 / 2

Report to the police