The UK Pavilion celebrates fashion from the future

Fashion at the "Expo" overlooks innovative designs

  • Fashion shows are full of new ideas.

    From the source


The United Kingdom pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai celebrated the British Fashion Week, by organizing a variety of activities that address the reality and future of the fashion and textile industry and retail sales in the ready-to-wear sector, during the “British Fashion Days” event, organized under the slogan “In the future. What will we wear?”, with the participation of a wide selection of designers and those interested in the fashion sector and retailers.

The British Fashion Days, which concludes today, will discuss modern innovations, technical trends and sustainable practices that will change the future of the fashion industry, as well as a series of fashion shows and an exhibition of innovative textiles, with quality participants, led by the British Fashion Council and the Royal College of Art.

For his part, British designer Julian MacDonald, who participated in the event, said: “I think the United Kingdom is at the forefront of the interests of fashion seekers in the world, due to the constant and innovative updates that occur in this industry. countries of the world, and perhaps the reason for its attractiveness is that it is the headquarters of major international fashion designers who have left their mark on this industry.”

McDonald's added, to the "Expo News Service": "Fashion Week is full of new ideas and attractive fashion that people have never seen, and (Expo) is the perfect place for visitors to see the best innovative designs for the public, and for those interested in fashion and learn its arts. The international event is a great opportunity for the latter, in particular, to learn from top British fashion designers whose work will inspire a lot in the future.”

On the maturity of the fashion industry, which made it more receptive to more innovation, McDonald's explained: "Innovation is the focus of the current fashion industry, and innovation and modernity are among the most important topics that Expo 2020 Dubai focuses on, and fashion and fashion have always been at the forefront of sectors that attract everything new, Through the use of new materials, inventions and modern technology, and everything associated with the manufacture and delivery of clothing from the factory to the customer.”

The designer continued: “It is important to show people that clothes can be fun, and do not have to be limited by all the theories associated with fashion, the important thing about fashion and clothes, is how you can change the way you feel about yourself and the people around you. ».

McDonald's stressed the importance of prices: “It is a very important part of the clothing industry, because it is all about the choices that the designer makes when choosing the type of fabric used in the industry, and I see that it is all about the price in the end, and in my opinion, people are ready to pay a high price for Sustainable clothing and fashion.

• “Fashion Days” discusses modern innovations, technical trends, and sustainable practices.

• Innovation and modernity are among the most important topics that Expo 2020 Dubai focuses on.

McDonald's: The market is recovering

With regard to the impact of the “Corona” pandemic on retail sales in the clothing sector, designer Julian McDonald said, “The sector in general was greatly affected by the closure period that exceeded the six months, during which people stopped going out and buying clothes, as the majority were staying at home. Why would they think of buying new clothes?

There is no point in that, which of course affected us, but the market gradually started to recover.”