
Kempten (dpa) - According to a survey, around 39 percent of people in Germany want to travel this year.

13 percent, on the other hand, no longer planned a vacation trip for 2021 because of the corona pandemic, according to an online survey published on Tuesday by the Consumer Research Association (GfK) on behalf of the Bavarian Center for Tourism.

28 percent of the more than 2000 respondents between the ages of 18 and 74 years waited.

They often cited the quarantine regulations on return and possible costs in the event of a cancellation as arguments against a trip.

Almost half of the respondents who do not want to travel because of the pandemic would change their minds if they or large parts of the population were vaccinated against corona.

The majority of those willing to vacation are drawn to German destinations with Bavaria, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein at the top.

18 percent of all respondents wanted to leave for other European countries.

Here, Spain, Italy and Austria were ahead.

The preferred means of travel for 80 percent of holidaymakers in Germany and 71 percent of those interested in other EU countries is the car.

Most of all holiday apartments and houses are booked.


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Results of the BZT survey