
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - After the devastating major fire of 38 buses in a Düsseldorf bus depot, experts have identified a technical defect as the cause of the fire.

A police spokeswoman said on Tuesday when asked by the dpa.

The investigations have not yet been concluded.

The authorities initially did not provide any specific information on the technical failure.

On Thursday night, a fire in the depot destroyed all 38 buses.

The approximately 2500 square meter hall burned down completely.

The damage was put at almost 50 million euros.

The fire brigade fought the flames with 125 emergency services.

Nobody got hurt.

A total of eight electric buses, eight articulated buses and 22 other buses were destroyed in the fire - including ten new vehicles that had recently started operating, as the Rheinbahn, the local transport company affected, had announced.

The 125-year-old transport company operated 490 buses. 


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