The head of state explained this decision as “the ongoing witch hunt”, which is carried out against him by “New York prosecutor-democrats”.

Trump emphasized that former special prosecutor Robert Muller, who led the investigation into the "Trump conspiracy with Russia," studied all the finances and tax documents of the president, but "found nothing."

“This has never happened to presidents. What they do is illegal. But I’m clean, and when I publish my financial statements (this is my decision) shortly before the election, it will show that I’m much richer than people thought, and that’s good, ”the American president wrote on Twitter.

On November 8, a New York court ordered Donald Trump to pay $ 2 million to a group of non-profit organizations as part of a dispute settlement.

The lawsuit was filed June 14 by New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood.

According to the prosecutor, over the course of more than a decade, "constant illegal behavior has been observed, which includes extensive illegal political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and deliberate transactions serving the personal and business interests of Trump, and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations."