NVIDIA has announced the launch of the new GeForce Now game broadcast service, to pull the rug from under the feet of competing services from other global companies such as Google, Sony and Microsoft.

The American company explained that the GeForce Now service depends on high-performance hardware in its computing centers, in addition to that the user no longer needs to upgrade the gaming devices with the new hardware, but it can use relatively simple devices such as smart phones and tablets equipped with the Android system or laptop computers or Desktops or NVIDIA Shield game consoles, in order to broadcast the game image from computing centers to screens at home, where the game is played on a virtual computer in the computing center.

The Geforce Now game broadcast service provides the user with the option to choose between two access models: the first is free and the second is paid, and fans of games with the free model can enjoy games for a maximum of one hour per session, after which they must start a new game session.

And for those with paid subscriptions, they can play for six continuous hours, as well as the advantage of quick access to the company's servers.

Through the new GeForce Now service, gamers can partially recall their gaming libraries from other companies, such as Steam, Yublai, Battle.net and IPIC, as well as support for about a thousand other games, but it The user must install the game on the virtual computer with the NVIDIA Cloud Service prior to the gaming session, and NVIDIA does not provide its own store to purchase games.

In computing centers, graphics cards are used with the NVIDIA "Turing" architecture, so players benefit from Raytracing technology with realistic rays of light, and games are played in Full HD with an image stimulation rate of 60Hz .

Google launched its "Stadia" game broadcast earlier this year (Reuters)

Internet connection speed
In order for the user to be able to view the video image without delay or interference, NVIDIA recommends that the Internet connection speed should not be less than 15 Mbps, in order to display the image steadily at a resolution of 12580 x 720 pixels at 60 fps.

And when you want to view images in Full HD technology 1920 x 1080 pixels, it requires an Internet connection speed of 25 Mbps.

It is best if the router is connected to a network cable or wireless network (WLAN) with an active 5 GHz band. Games with a resolution of 4K and a higher rate of image activation are scheduled for later this year, possibly in the second quarter of 2020.

NVIDIA has announced that the value of the monthly subscription is $ 5 in the first three months of the first users of "Fonders Edition", but did not specify the subsequent value of the subscription to the new game broadcast service Geforce Now.