The Minister of National Education said that the government is considering an increase in the remuneration for the "generations" of teachers who will be affected by the pension reform, and could see the amount of their pension decrease compared to what provides for the current system.

It is not only in transport that the strike should be particularly followed Thursday, December 5. In schools, four out of ten primary schools will be closed on average, and certainly more in the Paris region. Teachers are mobilizing against a decline in their pensions, which may be the most impacted by the disappearance of special schemes provided for by the pension reform.

According to the union SNES-FSU, the main representative organization of the second degree, this decrease would be of the order of 30%. But the Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, ensures that nothing is still fixed, and that the government is still working to find a way to counterbalance some consequences of the flattening of the various regimes. "This reform could have negative effects on the retirement of teachers," concedes Jean-Michel Blanquer at the microphone of Europe 1. "But the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and I are committed to this This message must be heard very clearly, "he said immediately.

"We guarantee there will be no decline"

"When I see circulating simulators to believe that there will be a decline in pensions, it is not serious!", Annoys the tenant of the street of Grenelle. The minister said that among the avenues envisaged, an increase in wages for the generations concerned by the reform would limit the decline in pensions. "In reality, we guarantee that there will not be this decline, and how? By working on compensation," says the minister. "We will soon determine which generations will be affected but, by definition, it will be the youngest ones, it is precisely those who need an improvement in their remuneration, and that is what we will plan", assures Jean. Michel Blanquer.