Some 60 bus drivers are reported to be on sick leave because of the Lubrizol fire. Some of them decided to file a complaint.


Forty complaints have already been filed after the fire last week at Lubrizol plant in Rouen. This was announced Tuesday the district court of the city. And this is only the beginning. According to the information of Europe 1, about 20 complaints of bus drivers of the TCAR (Public Transport of the Rouen conurbation) will be deposited in the next few days. And this number of complaints will evolve, since the files are multiplying on the lawyers' office.

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These are criminal complaints against X AND against the company Lubrizol, for "endangering the lives of others" and "unintentional injuries due to a breach of a particular obligation of prudence and security". These bus drivers drove near the Lubrizol plant in the days following the fire. They had vomiting, discomfort. At the time, "there were 30 stoppages for work accidents, for about 220 drivers in post.Today, 60 are in work stoppages," says Europe 1 their lawyer, Me Grégoire Leclerc.

"There was AZF, now there is Rouen"

These drivers report irritations, nausea or headaches. And today say they want to know the truth. "At 14:00, when I arrived in Rouen, I started to have a headache and a throat, and at first I thought I was sick, but then I realized that everyone my colleagues had the same symptoms once they arrived at the depot ", testifies on Europe 1 Lyes Daibeche, one of the plaintiffs. "We said, 'AZF, now there is Rouen.' We want to know the truth, we want Lubrizol instead, their products burned, and now the state is also be responsible for not having acted in a timely manner: the prefect should have taken the responsibility not to take public transport out ".

For their lawyer, the complaint is a necessary step to know the truth. But also anticipate complications in the future. "Our clients need to know and they know very well that if they do not file a complaint now, in the future, they will not be protected", warns Me Grégoire Leclerc, for whom the truth in this case is a "duty "which is the responsibility of the authorities.